SME House, Holme Lacy Industrial Estate,
Holme Lacy Industrial Estate
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Craig Robinson, the owner of 3 Counties Vehicles Ltd, has been in the motor trade for more than 15 years. Wurth, Toyota, Tunap, Draper Tools are examples of companies where Craig has worked.
In this time Craig has built an unparalleled network of contacts. Craig can use these to the benefit of both buyers and sellers.
We aim to provide a "hassle-free" service throughout the sale/purchase of your car or van and achieve a fair price for all parties.
We never charge admin fees and always pay you instantly for free. Finance settled while you wait.
You can visit us, or we can come to your home or workplace as you prefer!
We promise to beat any "post appraisal price" from any car buying service within the 3 Counties area.
Give us a try you won't be disappointed!
Monday to Friday
10:00 to 19:00
10:00 to 18:00
10:00 to 16:00